Our software products are forged by our experience and specificly made for developer, software architects and IT-executives.


All-in-one solution for high quality documentation

Documentation IT-Architecture Automation Compliance Open Source

swark allows IT/software architects to maintain their operating environment with the help of a sophisticated data model, store the static content programmatically via the framework and map diagrams declaratively and dynamically via PlantUML and Mermaidjs.

The data model and interfaces can be adapted quickly and easily via the framework.

Discover swark


Portfolio management for consulting experts

Skill Management Employee Profiles Automation AI

Consulting companies use kwilo to close more deals by creating convincing employee profiles. Save your employees and yourself time and money.

Explore kwilo


Monitor backup files in filesystems and object storages

Backup Management File System Compliance Open Source

With backmon you can monitor and check the presence, size and timestamps of your recurring backup files. Your backup files can be stored either in a local filesystem or inside an S3-compatible object storage like AWS S3 or MinIO.

You can easily integrate backmon into your Prometheus- and Grafana-based infrastructure for analysing the duration of creating backups or alerting if a backup fails some constraints.

Discover backmon

Next Active Directory Integration

Enterprise-ready WordPress user management

Wordpress Active Directory Compliance Open Source

With Next Active Directory Integration we have created a great plug-in to integrate WordPress as a CMS for your enterprise. ADI connects your WordPress instances to your Active Directory domain and provide all features you expect from an enterprise-grade tool: Authentication and authorization of users with help of your domain controllers, on-premise installation only without lacking user information out of your network, synchronizing of user profiles in both directions, password policies, Multisite support für multiple organizations and much much more.

Explore NADI